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Phyllobates live in rainforest throughout both the drier ridge tops and moister slopes. They tend to live near smaller streams. The terrain is rough with mostly steep slopes. They prefer to sit on the ground or perched just above the ground on tree roots or leaf litter. They are native to Central and South America, from Nicaragua to Colombia. Very bold. Frogs can be from 1.5 to 2.5 inches depending on the type, it's best to look into each individually. Very bold frogs with a great canary like call.

Laying eggs consistently.

Phyllobates Bicolor "Uraba"

Breeders from - Tesoros de Colombia

Laying eggs consistently.

Phyllobates Terribilis "Yellow"

Breeders from - Rick Taylor

Laying occasionally.

Phyllobates Terribilis "Mint"

Breeders from - Rick Taylor

Growing out juveniles.

Phyllobates Terribilis "Orange"

Breeders from - Daryl Szyska

Laying eggs Consistently.

Phyllobates Aurotaenia "Yellow"